Speaker: Dr. Chand
Dr. Chand earned his M.D. in Medicine from the Christian Medical College and Hospital (India) where he specialized in Clinical Pharmacology. He moved to Windsor as Assistant Professor of Pharmacology at Toldo Health Center, University of Windsor and Clinical Director of the Windsor Family Health Team. Dr. Chand currently teaches pharmacology and therapeutics in the Dental, Dental hygiene, and Nursing programs, and participates in clinical teaching and chairside therapeutics for dental students. He also teaches the Nurse Anesthesia and Physician assistant programs at the University of Detroit Mercy’s McNichols campus. Dr. Chand is Director of infection control at the School of Dentistry (Corktown and UHC campuses). He is a board member of the Steering Committee, International Health Professionals Committee (IHPC) Windsor-Essex and a member of the Board of Directors for the United Way, Windsor