by ecds-admin | Feb 2, 2006 | Ask The Dentist
Dear Dr.: My gums are bleeding a lot when I brush my teeth and I’ve heard people talking quite a bit about gum disease. How do I know if I have it, and if I do what can be done about it? James in Tecumseh Dear James,If your gums are bleeding when you brush,... by ecds-admin | Sep 1, 2005 | Ask The Dentist
Dear Dr. Mady:I have been unhappy with my smile for most of my life and now I am forty years old and wish to do something about it. When I smile, I show more gums than teeth, the gum heights are also uneven and it looks terrible to point where I don’t like to smile.... by ecds-admin | Jun 2, 2005 | Ask The Dentist
Dear Dr. Mady:I am a twenty-one year old who has a great love for baseball. I was recently advised by my dentist that I should be wearing a mouthguard for this and all sports. Is a mouthguard really necessary? Shaun in LaSalle Dear Shaun,Absolutely!! Do not allow... by ecds-admin | May 5, 2005 | Ask The Dentist
Dear Dr. Mady:I have been wearing braces for the past two and a half years and I will be getting them off in four weeks. My doctor said that I will need to wear some type of retainers to keep the teeth straight. Is this really necessary and what types are available?... by ecds-admin | Dec 2, 2004 | Ask The Dentist
Dear Dr. Mady: My 3 year old daughter visited our dentist for fillings and would not let him near her. She is very afraid and I explained my concern that she may fear dentists for the rest of her life. Because of this he recommended a paediatric dentist. What exactly...